Monday, September 19, 2005


Inherent within a person is a beauty which cannot be seen by mere sight,
Superficial as it is but only by the vision of the heart.
But the inherent how can it be?
How can one seek such a delicate beauty?
A beauty that one finds hard to see.

El razon

Siang malam ku mengingatimu,
Bila terbayang hatiku syahdu,
Kesabaran dan keteguhanmu,
Melihat gelagat si manjaku,
Oh manis mukamu sangat ku rindu,

Engkaulah syurgaku di dunia,
Tanpamu tiadalah cahaya,
Engkaulah tempatku berteduh bersuka,
Tujuan hidupku engkaulah jua.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Negotiation of existence

Life is about negotiating your existence. "Negotiating your existence in a social world." That is what life is all about, a compromise between your wants and what the society expects from you.
It's a never ending transaction, wherein success in getting what you want primarily depends on how you negotiate, and articulate it, in the context of a social world with many expectations of how you should be defined.