Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Nuestra vida

They say a flawless life is a perfect life,
But I say the beauty of life lies in its imperfection,
Of a soul finding meaning in his constant struggles.
In the midst of madness and evil,
I see love, and sacrifice, of empathy,
making its way into the darkness,
guiding the path of life.
Such is life,
beauty amidst imperfection.


B-Flx said...

Well said, I agree. It matters not that you reach the peak of perfection, the true reward is just to climb.

lacrema said...

No probs. Hope it makes sense. :)

Elina said...

very the deep. but i like :)

Kak Teh said...

so, you are a student of Braginsky's? Interesting.

Kak Teh said...

lacrema, I replied to you in my blog as well and copied it here.
Yes, the concept of beauty as defined by Braginsky is, ..err beautiful (what better word can I use?) Erti keindahan dan keindahan erti.You shd also read Mohamad haji salleh's interpretation of beauty in "The Mind of the Author". As for Indraputra, yes, I think it was Braginsky who wrote "Hikayat Indraputra as a Sufi allegory" His adventures, fighting the demons and cavorting with the beauties along the way are all tests of his strength befoer he reaches that certain level. No one can beat Braginsky where Sufism is concerned.
sure, we can meet but am no expert.